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Questions and answers from 1Z0-533 free dumps.
Question 1:
Identify the two statements about the Planning Import security utility.
A. Imports Planning application access for users and groups
B. Imports users and groups into Planning
C. Requires the source text file to be named PLANSECFILE.txt
D. Can be scheduled to run nightly using an encrypted password
E. Clears existing security definitions by default before the import takes place
Correct Answer: AD
The Import Security utility performs an Oracle Hyperion Planning security import.
A: The ImportSecurity utility loads access permissions for users or groups from a text file into Planning.
(To add users or groups, see the Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Security Administration Guide. . not B)
Importing Access permissions overwrites existing access assignments only for imported members, data forms, data form folders, task lists, Calculation Manager business rules, and Calculation Manager business rule folders. All other existing access permissions remain intact. (not E).
The SL_CLEARALL parameter clears all existing access permissions; you can use it with other parameters to replace them. See also Exporting Access Permissions.
D: To import access permissions into Planning:
Locate the ImportSecurity utility by navigating to the bin directory.
From the Command Prompt, enter this case-sensitive command, one space, and the parameters, separating each with a comma. Enclose the parameters with double quotation marks:
ImportSecurity.cmd [-f:passwordFile] “app name,username,[delimiter],[RUN_SILENT],[SL_CLEARALL]”
This command can be scheduled.
Question 2:
Identify the two factual statements about a sparse Entity dimension In Hyperion Planning.
A. You cannot build alternate rollups or assign custom attributes.
B. Base currencies are assigned to entity members.
C. Exchange rates are assigned to entity members.
D. Entity along with Scenario and Period make up a planning unit.
E. Entity along with Scenario and Version make up a planning unit.
Correct Answer: BE
E: The Scenario and Version dimensions represent the broadest categories of data in your application. The scenario describes the type of data that a plan includes, such as budget, actual, or forecast, as well as the time span that the plan covers.
Version allows for flexibility and iterative planning cycles. For example, your application could have two versions, Working and Final, for each scenario. You can also use versions to model possible outcomes based on different assumptions
about interest rates, growth rates, and so on. For example, your application can have a Best Case and Worst Case version for each scenario.
Essbase maximizes performance by dividing the Essbase – Standard dimensions of an application into two types:
dense dimensions
sparse dimensions.
Sparse and dense are a property of the values of an attribute.
Data is normally stored in sparse form. If no value exists for a given combination of dimension values, no row exists in the fact table. For example, if not every product is sold in every market. In this case, the Market and Product are sparse
It\’s why in the reporting tool Obiee for instance, by default, data are considered sparse.
Most multidimensional databases may also contain dense dimensions. A fact table is considered to have dense data if it has (of a high probability to have) one row for every combination of its associated dimension levels.
Question 3:
In a non-multicurrency Planning application, what three things happen if all options are checked for Refresh Database?
A. Dimension and member changes are pushed to Essbase.
B. Cell text and supporting detail changes are pushed to Essbase.
C. Security filters for dimensions and members are pushed to Essbase.
D. Security filters for shared members are pushed to Essbase.
E. Data changes are pushed to Essbase.
Correct Answer: ACD
During refresh:
* Essbase security filters are updated (C, D)
*Currency conversion calc scripts are updated
*Accounts or associated properties are propagated from the relational database to the Essbase database
*Custom attributes are added, modified, or deleted in the Essbase database
*Exchange rate values are repopulated in the Essbase outline
*Member formulas for certain accounts are generated or updated
*Additions or changes to alias tables and their association to dimensions or members are updated (A)
*The Essbase database is restructured
*UDAs are added to the Essbase database
Reference: Oracle Hyperion Planning, Fusion Edition, Creating, and Refreshing Application Databases
Question 4:
You are designing a monthly projection Planning application. A starting point projection file is received with the current month’s data. Data forms, Business Rules, Essbase data load rules, and reports should always focus on the current projection month.
What is the most efficient way to design the components to reduce maintenance each month?
A. Manually update the forms each month and use a “CurMth” substitution variable for Business Rules, Essbase data load rules, and reports.
B. Manually update the forms each month; Use the “CurMo” Global variable for Business Rules and use a “CurMth” substitution variable for Essbase data load rules, and reports.
C. Use the Planning data form utility to update data forms and use a “CurMth” substitution variable for Business Rules, Essbase data load rules, and reports.
D. Use a “CurMth” substitution variable for data forms, Business Rules, Essbase data load rules, and reports.
E. Use the Planning data form utility to update data forms; Use the “CurMo” Global variable for Business Rules and use a “CurMth” substitution variable for Essbase data load rules, and reports.
Correct Answer: E
Business Rules use a global variable. In Essbase, use a substitution variable.
Question 5:
Identify three key benefits of the Planning solution.
A. Standardized data forms for plan data entry available both for the Web and in Excel
B. One tool to budget and forecast as well as provide reporting for very detailed Actuals Information
C. Central repository of business rules that can be run by end users to calculate plan data
D. Detailed security down to the cell level
E. Flexible solution customizable for almost any kind of budgeting and forecasting process
Correct Answer: ACE
A: Hyperion Planning leverages the Multidimensional functionalities and capabilities of Essbase to the fullest to provide varied planning options along with inherent Data Forms, MS Excel, and a Web-based grid interface for data entry and reporting needs. ata Forms in Hyperion planning provides a standard centralized grid-based interface for data entry and checks.
Customizing or fixing a Data Form issue takes less time and effort than Excel-based spreadsheets.
C: Using a central repository makes administration and maintenance of business rules easy because the repository stores information for several applications in one database.
A user or group who has the role of basic user can do these tasks:
*Launch business rules and sequences to which the user has access
*View business rules and sequences to which the users have access
*View all variables and macros
*Edit business rules, sequences, macros, variables, and projects for which the user was granted editing privileges
E: Oracle Hyperion Planning provides an in-depth look at business operations and their related impact on financials, by tightly integrating financial and operational planning models. With Oracle Hyperion Planning you can meet your immediate financial planning needs while enabling a platform for future cross-functional expansion and automated process integration.
Reference: Hyperion Business Rules, Administrative Guide
Question 6:
The budget office analyst needs to enter and plan data, use the Planning spreading feature that allows users to spread budget data based on last year\’s actuals, and modify data forms. What two roles should be provisioned for this user?
A. Grid Spread
B. Planner
C. Interactive User
D. Mass Allocate
E. Offline User
Correct Answer: BC
The majority of Hyperion Planning users are planners who are responsible for department or project budgets. They conveniently work over the Web or the Spreadsheet Add-in to:
Enter, submit, and view data
Use pre-defined policies, procedures, routines, reports, and worksheets to enter, analyze, and report on application data
Interactive User:
Examples of an interactive users include a department head, sales director, or unit manager who submits budget information and data for approval. Interactive users can enter and view data. They can also create, maintain, and initiate:
Data entry forms on the Web
Spreadsheet Add-in worksheets
Reports using Hyperion Reports
Integrations using Hyperion Application Link
Business rules using Hyperion Business Rules
Question 7:
You are designing the storage properties for your Planning application.
What two design principles should you follow related to the dynamic calc storage property?
A. Dynamically calculated members should roll up to stored members.
B. You cannot calculate and store dynamically calculated members in calc scripts and business rules.
C. Consider dynamic calc members on sparse parents with 100 t children.
D. Tagging upper-level members of sparse dimensions can reduce block size.
E. If you use a large number of dynamic calls, you should consider increasing the Dynamic Calculator Cache.
F. Consider Dynamic Calc and Store over Dynamic Calc.
Correct Answer: BE
B: “If you specify a Dynamic Calc or Dynamic Calc and Store member explicitly in a calculation script, the calculation script fails. You cannot do a calculation script calculation of a Dynamic Calc or Dynamic Calc and Store member. To use a
calculation script to calculate a member explicitly, do not tag the member as Dynamic Calc.
E: The dynamic calculator cache is a buffer in memory that Essbase uses to store all of the blocks needed for a calculation of a Dynamic Calc member in a dense dimension (for example, for a query).
Incorrect answer:
F: Storing the information is no advantage in this scenario.
Question 8:
Identify the two true statements with regard to Versions and Scenarios.
A. Versions control data entry based on time periods set by the administrator.
B. There is only one version of one Scenario.
C. Versions allow several “what-if” Scenarios.
D. Users must have the same security settings in the Version dimension as they have in the Scenario dimension.
E. Versions can be top-down or bottom-up.
Correct Answer: CD
C: You use the Scenario and Version dimensions to create individual plans to be reviewed and approved. Each scenario/version combination contains its own set of data for the accounts and other dimensions of each entity. After users complete data entry for an entity for a specific scenario and version, they can submit or promote the data for the entity to another user for review and approval. The intersection of entity, scenario, and version is referred to as a planning unit. Planning tracks the status of each planning unit as it moves through the review process.
D. Seems likely.
Question 9:
Identify two times when a security refresh needs to be performed.
A. Member access has been assigned to a group.
B. Member access has been assigned to a user.
C. New group is created.
D. A new Member “East” has OnDESCENDANTSCREAD.access assigned.
E. New business rule is created.
Correct Answer: AB
After you establish or update user and group security, the Planning application needs to be refreshed to complete the update to Analytic Services security filters.
D: This option is poorly worded. We here assume that the security of the member has not changed. C, E: no security has changed.
Reference: HYPERION SYSTEM 9 PLANNING, RELEASE 9 . 2 . 0 . 3 About Security in Planning
Question 10:
Identify two ways that Essbase data load rules cannot manipulate source data files.
A. Select or reject records based on certain criteria.
B. Flip the sign for records with a certain member tagged with a comment.
C. Split or join columns in a source.
D. Find and replace manipulations on source records.
E. Map data based on an external table.
Correct Answer: CE
C: Columns cannot be split or joined at runtime in the source.
E: An external table cannot be used to map data.
Note: A data Load Rules file is the second type of rules file involved in the data load process.
A data source for data load must contain :
not only the values that you want to load but also the identification of the location to which Essbase should load the values:
a data address that includes one member from every standard dimension in your outline.
Question 11:
What four prebuilt actions are available In EAS Business Rules?
A. Aggregate
B. Copy Data
C. Clear Block
D. Clear Data
E. Create Block
F. Allocate
Correct Answer: ABDE
You can choose from four possible actions to include in a graphical business rule:
Aggregate Data, Copy Data, Clear Data, and Create Blocks.
*Aggregate Data –Use to calculate your database by specifying which dimensions to calculate and what calculation options you want to use during the aggregation.
*Copy Data–Use to copy data from one part of your database to another. You select the source data to copy and then specify the target or destination value.
*Clear Data–Use to define a subset of data that will be cleared from the database before a new value is added. You can choose either to clear cells or to clear blocks of data.
*Create Blocks–Use to specify a data slice to ensure that blocks are created for all sparse member combinations in that slice.
Reference: Hyperion Business Rules, Administrative Guide, About Adding Actions to Graphical Business Rules
Question 12:
What are the correct predefined types of base time periods that can be established when creating the calendar in a planning application?
A. Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Custom
B. Monthly, Quarterly, Custom
C. Monthly, Quarterly, Weekly
D. Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly, Custom
E. Only Custom periods are possible.
Correct Answer: B
To set up the calendar:
1. In the Classic Application Wizard, click Calendar.
2 Select a Base Period option to set how calendars roll up:
*12 Months: Four quarters per year; months roll up into parent quarters and quarters into years.
*Quarters: Quarters roll up into years.
* Custom: A custom time period, such as weeks or days. Etc.
Note: The calendar establishes the application\’s base time periods, starting fiscal year and month, and total number of years. Select the base time period and monthly distribution pattern based on the number of fiscal weeks in a month. The base time period options are the bottom-level time periods in the application. You can create a custom bases time period, such as weeks or days. Use monthly distribution patterns to determine how data entered into a summary time period is distributed or spread among the base time period you select. During data entry, users can enter data into summary time periods, such as years or quarters. Planning distributes these values over the base time periods that constitute the summary time period.
Reference: Oracle Hyperion Planning, Fusion Edition, Setting up the Calendar
Question 13:
Identify the three characteristics of the Scenarios dimension.
A. Security can be assigned to members of the Scenario dimension.
B. It allows the administrator to assign valid periods for data entry
C. It allows bottoms-up or target planning
D. Exchange rate tables are tied to the Scenario dimension.
E. One member in the scenario dimension may be valid for Plan Type.
Correct Answer: ABD
A: Specify access rights to members of the Scenario dimension for groups or users.
Access rights determine users or groups can view or modify data. A user or group can have only one of these access rights: Read, Write, or None. Access rights for a user can be combined based on the groups to which the user belongs.
B: When creating a scenario For Start Yr., Start Period, End Yr., and End Period is used to select the time period to associate with the system.
D: The Scenario dimension has an Exchange Table property with a value of the name of an exchange rate table defined in the application.
Reference: Oracle Hyperion Planning, Fusion Edition
Question 14:
Which three components can be changed after the creation of the Planning application?
A. Number of years
B. Names of plan types
C. Number of plan types
D. Initialization of WFP or CapEx Planning modules
E. Weekly distribution spread
F. Year Dimension Name
G. Default Currency
Correct Answer: ADF
Note: WFP?Workforce planning. Oracle Hyperion Capital Expense Planning (CAPEX) software is a specialized planning module that automates the planning of capital assets and capital asset-related expenses, such as depreciation, maintenance, and insurance.
Question 15:
You need to create a highly formatted, printable Income statement for each store in your company.
Each report should be emailed to the store manager at the close of each week (each store has a different store manager). What is the best way to deliver this solution?
A. With Financial Reporting, create a book for each store that contains a PandL for each store and use the book to distribute the reports to store managers via email.
B. With Financial Reporting, create a store PandL and use batch bursting to distribute the report to store managers via email.
C. With Web Analysis, create an income statement that store managers can log in and access.
D. Within Smart View Report Designer, use the Cascade feature to generate and distribute each store income statement via email.
E. Create a Planning PandL Data form and use email notifications to send to store managers.
Correct Answer: D
In addition to other capabilities, the Report Designer provides a cascaded output of reports in Excel. This will enable end users to create a report in Excel and cascade it to separate sheets based on members of a dimension not included as part of the report.
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