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Real questions from 1Z0-809 free dumps.
Question 1:
Given the definition of the Vehicle class:
Class Vehicle {
int distance; //line n1
Vehicle (int x) {
this distance = x;
public void increased(int time) { //line n2
int timeTravel = time; //line n3
class Car {
int value = 0;
public void speed () {
value = distance /time travel;
System.out.println (“Velocity with new speed”+value+”kmph”);
new Car().speed();
and this code fragment:
Vehicle v = New Vehicle (100);
A. increased (60); What is the result?
B. Velocity with new speed
C. A compilation error occurs at line n1.
D. A compilation error occurs at line n2.
E. A compilation error occurs at line n3.
Correct Answer: A
Question 2:
IntStream stream = IntStream.of (1,2,3);
IntFunction inFu= x -> y -> x*y; //line n1
IntStream new stream = stream.map(inFu.apply(10)); //line n2
new stream.forEach(System.output::print);
Which modification enables the code fragment to compile?
A. Replace line n1 with: IntFunction inFu = x -> y -> x*y;
B. Replace line n1 with: IntFunction inFu = x -> y -> x*y;
C. Replace line n1 with: BiFunction inFu = x -> y -> x*y;
D. Replace line n2 with: IntStream new stream = stream.map(inFu.applyAsInt (10));
Correct Answer: B
Question 3:
Given the code fragment:
List values = Arrays.asList (1, 2, 3);
values. stream ()
.map(n -> n*2) //line n1
.peek(System.out::print) //line n2
What is the result?
A. 246
B. The code produces no output.
C. A compilation error occurs at line n1.
D. A compilation error occurs at line n2.
Correct Answer: A
Question 4:
Given the code fragment:
public class Foo {
public static void main (String [ ] args) {
Map unsortMap = new HashMap ( );
unsortMap.put (10, “z”);
unsortMap.put (5, “b”);
unsortMap.put (1, “d”);
unsortMap.put (7, “e”);
unsortMap.put (50, “j”);
Map treeMap = new TreeMap (new
Comparator ( ) {
@Override public int compare (Integer o1, Integer o2) {return o2.compareTo
(o1); } } );
treeMap.putAll (unsortMap);
for (Map. Entry entry : treeMap.entrySet () ) {
System.out.print (entry.getValue () + ” “);
What is the result?
A. A compilation error occurs.
B. d b e z j
C. j z e b d
D. z b d e j
Correct Answer: C
Question 5:
public class Counter {
public static void main (String[ ] args) {
int a = 10;
int b = -1;
assert (b >=1) : “Invalid Denominator”;
int = a / b;
System.out.println (c);
What is the result of running the code with the -ea option?
A. -10
B. 0
C. An assertion error is thrown.
D. A compilation error occurs.
Correct Answer: C
Question 6:
class Bird {
public void fly () { System. out.print(“Can fly”); }
class Penguin extends Bird {
public void fly () { System. out.print(“Cannot fly”); }
and the code fragment:
class Birdie {
public static void main (String [ ] args) {
fly( ( ) -> new Bird ( ));
fly (Penguin: : new);
/* line n1 */
Which code fragment, when inserted at line n1, enables the Birdie class to compile?
A. static void fly (Consumer bird) { bird :: fly (); } {
B. static void fly (Consumer bird) bird.accept( ) fly (); } {
C. static void fly (Supplier bird) bird.get( ) fly (); } {
D. static void fly (Supplier bird) LOST
Correct Answer: C
Question 7:
abstract class Shape {
Shape ( ) { System.out.println (“Shape”); }
protected void area ( ) { System.out.println (“Shape”); }
class Square extends Shape {
int side;
Square int side {
/* insert code here */
this.side = side;
public void area ( ) { System.out.println (“Square”); }
class Rectangle extends Square {
int len, br;
Rectangle (int x, int y) {
/* insert code here */
Len = x, br = y;
void area ( ) { System.out.println (“Rectangle”); }
Which two modifications enable the code to compile? (Choose two.)
A. At line 1, remove abstract
B. At line 9, insert super ( );
C. At line 12, remove public
D. At line 17, insert super (x);
E. At line 17, insert super (); super.side = x;
F. At line 20, use public void area ( ) {
Correct Answer: DF
Question 8:
class Sum extends RecursiveAction { //line n1
static final int THRESHOLD_SIZE = 3;
int stIndex, lstIndex;
int [ ] data;
public Sum (int [ ]data, int start, int end) {
this.data = data;
this index = start;
this. lstIndex = end;
protected void compute ( ) {
int sum = 0;
if (lstIndex ?stIndex<;= THRESHOLD_SIZE) {
for (int i = stIndex; i < lstIndex; i++) {
sum += data [i];
} else {
new Sum (data, index + THRESHOLD_SIZE, lstIndex).fork( );
new Sum (data, index,
Math.min (lstIndex, stIndex + THRESHOLD_SIZE)
).compute ();
and the code fragment:
ForkJoinPool fjPool = new ForkJoinPool ( );
int data [ ] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
fool.invoke (new Sum (data, 0, data. length));
and given that the sum of all integers from 1 to 10 is 55.
Which statement is true?
A. The program prints several values that total 55.
B. The program prints 55.
C. A compilation error occurs at line n1.
D. The program prints several values whose sum exceeds 55.
Correct Answer: C
Question 9:
Given the content of Operator.java, EngineOperator.java, and Engine.java files: and the code fragment:
What is the result?
A. The Engine.java file fails to compile.
B. The EngineOperator.java file fails to compile.
C. The Operator.java file fails to compile.
Correct Answer: A
Question 10:
Given the code fragment:
Path file = Paths. get (“courses.txt”); // line n1
Assume the courses.txt is accessible.
Which code fragment can be inserted at line n1 to enable the code to print the content of the courses.txt file?
A. List fc = Files.list(file); fc.stream().forEach (s – > System.out.println(s));
B. Stream fc = Files.readAllLines (file); fc.forEach (s – > System.out.println(s));
C. List fc = readAllLines(file); fc.stream().forEach (s – > System.out.println(s));
D. Stream fc = Files.lines (file); fc.forEach (s – > System.out.println(s));
Correct Answer: D
Question 11:
Given the code fragment:
public void recDelete (String dir name) throws IOException {
File [ ] list of files = new File (dirName) .listFiles();
if (list of files ! = null and list of files.length >0) {
for (File aFile : listOfFiles) {
if (aFile.isDirectory ()) {
recDelete (aFile.get absolute path ());
} else {
if (aFile.getName ().endsWith (“.class”))
aFile.delete ();
Assume that Projects contains subdirectories that contain .class files and is passed as an argument to the
recDelete () method when it is invoked.
What is the result?
A. The method deletes all the .class files in the Projects directory and its subdirectories.
B. The method deletes the .class files of the Projects directory only.
C. The method executes and does not make any changes to the Projects directory.
D. The method throws an IOException.
Correct Answer: A
Question 12:
Given the code fragments:
void doStuff() throws ArithmeticException, NumberFormatException, Exception {
if (Math.unexpected() >-1 throw new Exception (“Try again”);
try {
doStuff ( ):
} catch (ArithmeticException | NumberFormatException | Exception e) {
System.out.println (e.getMessage()); }
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println (e.getMessage()); }
Which modification enables the code to print Try again.
A. Comment lines 28, 29, and 30.
B. Replace line 26 with: } catch (Exception | ArithmeticException | NumberFormatException e) {
C. Replace line 26 with: } catch (ArithmeticException | NumberFormatException e) {
D. Replace line 27 with: throw e;
Correct Answer: C
Question 13:
Given the definition of the Country class:
public class country {
public enum Continent {ASIA, EUROPE}
String name;
Continent region;
public Country (String na, Continent reg) {
name = na, region = reg;
public String getName () {return name;}
public Continent getRegion () {return region;}
and the code fragment:
List consist = Arrays.asList (
new Country (“Japan”, Country.Continent.ASIA),
new Country (“Italy”, Country.Continent.EUROPE),
new Country (“Germany”, Country.Continent.EUROPE));
Map<Country.Continent, List> regionNames = couList.stream ()
.collect(Collectors.grouping (Country ::getRegion,
Collectors.mapping(Country::getName, Collectors.toList()))));
System.out.println(region names);
A. {EUROPE = [Italy, Germany], ASIA = [Japan]}
B. {ASIA = [Japan], EUROPE = [Italy, Germany]}
C. {EUROPE = [Germany, Italy], ASIA = [Japan]}
D. {EUROPE = [Germany], EUROPE = [Italy], ASIA = [Japan]}
Correct Answer: B
Question 14:
Given the code fragment:
Map books = new TreeMap();
books. put (1007, “A”);
books. put (1002, “C”);
books. put (1001, “B”);
books. put (1003, “B”);
System.out.println (books);
What is the result?
A. {1007 = A, 1002 = C, 1001 = B, 1003 = B}
B. {1001 = B, 1002 = C, 1003 = B, 1007 = A}
C. {1002 = C, 1003 = B, 1007 = A}
D. {1007 = A, 1001 = B, 1003 = B, 1002 = C}
Correct Answer: B
Reference: TreeMap inherits SortedMap and automatically sorts the element\’s key
Question 15:
class Book {
int id;
String name;
public Book (int id, String name) {
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
public boolean equals (Object obj) { //line n1
boolean output = false;
Book b = (Book) obj;
if (this.name.equals(b name))}
output = true;
return output;
and the code fragment:
Book b1 = new Book (101, “Java Programming”);
Book b2 = new Book (102, “Java Programming”);
System.out.println (b1.equals(b2)); //line n2
Which statement is true?
A. The program prints true.
B. The program prints false.
C. A compilation error occurs. To ensure successful compilation, replace line n1 with: boolean equals (Book obj) {
D. A compilation error occurs. To ensure successful compilation, replace line n2 with: System.out.println (b1.equals((Object) b2));
Correct Answer: A
The leads4pass 1Z0-809 dumps have been validated as an effective tool for passing the Oracle 1Z0-809 exam. And it’s already updated to the latest version, feel free to with 1Z0-809 dumps https://www.leads4pass.com/1z0-809.html Updated on: Feb 2023.