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Question 1:
Which operation is allowed in a BMQL query?
Correct Answer: B
Question 2:
A client wants customers to be able to select a laptop category from a drop-down list in the Product Configuration section. After the laptop category is selected, all laptops within that category need to be displayed without the user having to do any more selections.
Which option meets this requirement?
A. Formula Administration
B. Util library function
C. Commerce library function
D. Auto Update
Correct Answer: B
Question 3:
Which two scenarios can be automated with File Transfer Protocol (FTP)? (Choose two.)
A. An administrator needs to bulk update attachments on multiple Commerce Transactions
B. Every month, an administrator needs to apply changes requested by the marketing department on descriptions for parts in CPQ Cloud
C. An administrator needs to update Configuration Attribute Value Pricing on a Model and deploy the
D. Every night, an administrator queries the inventory database and updates a CPQ Cloud data table with the new inventory levels
Correct Answer: BD
Question 4:
Your customer has sales organizations in two countries.
The customer wants to make sure that users from one country have access only to quotes from that country.
How do you achieve this?
A. Define two groups: Country A and Country B. For each step, define two different participant profiles: Profile A and Profile B. For each profile, select one matching group.
B. Hide Transaction Manager in CPQ and make sure that all access to quotes is performed from the CRM system where you can easily define which quotes should be visible for different users.
C. Define different steps (for example, Pending A and Pending B) for each country. The participant profile of each step allows access through user groups (either Group A or Group B depending on the step). Using transition rules, make sure that quotes for Country A are always moved to steps belonging to that country.
D. Define two groups: Country A and Country B. Define a participant profile, Sales, for each step. Define an auto-forwarding rule which returns either “Group A~company~Sales” or “Group B~company~Sales”.
Correct Answer: A
Question 5:
What is the correct method to add new parts data to the CPQ Cloud database?
A. Use the “Import from Source” function in the Migration Center to connect to the remote part system and upload the part data into a .csv file, put the .csv file in a compressed ZIP file, and use Bulk Upload to upload the part data to the CPQ Cloud site.
B. Use the “Import from Source” function in the Migration Center to connect to the remote part system and upload the part data directly to the CPQ Cloud database.
C. Perform a bulk download of at least one part to capture the part file format that the CPQ Cloud site uses, populate the new part data into the downloaded part file (.csv file), and enter “add” in the Update column for each new part, save the spreadsheet as a .csv file, put the .csv file in a compressed zip file, and use Bulk Upload to upload the part data to the CPQ Cloud site.
D. Export the part data from your current part system into a .csv file, put the .csv file into a compressed zip file, and use Bulk Upload to upload the part data to the CPQ Cloud site.
E. Use Bulk Upload to upload the data from the remote part system into a .csv file and import the file into the CPQ Cloud site.
Correct Answer: A
Question 6:
When implementing Subscription Ordering according to the Subscription Ordering Implementation Guide, you are asked to modify the formula for the Price (List) line level attribute.
What must you do to properly modify the formula?
A. Add an initial condition that tests for a valid price value in the Price files of the BOM Item Definition table with a true value of the valid price value.
B. Add an initial condition that tests for the Action Code to be either DELETE or TERMINATE with a true value of zero.
C. Add an initial condition that tests for a valid entry in a specific Subscription Ordering price book with a true value of zero.
D. Add an initial condition that tests for the Action Code to be either DELETE or TERMINATE with a true value of Part Base Price.
E. Add an initial condition that tests for a valid price value in the Price field of the BOM Item Mapping table with a true value of the valid price value.
Correct Answer: D
Question 7:
What standard functionality would you use to align attribute labels on a configuration screen to that they are evenly distributed vertically?
A. Add spacers in the Configuration Layout and define spacer height
B. Add read-only text area attributes in the layout with the required dimensions
C. Add HTML attributes and use
D. Use CSS
Correct Answer: C
Question 8:
Identify the three data types available for part custom fields. (Choose three.)
A. “String,” can be changed to “Single Select Menu”
B. “Boolean”
C. “Float,” can be changed to “Integer”
D. “Date,”, can include time
E. “Currency”
F. “Multi Select Menu”
Correct Answer: ACE
Question 9:
A customer sets up a BOM mapping for a Configuration model using a single simple Table-Based BOM Mapping Configuration rule, as well as the BOM Item Definition and BOM Item Mapping Tables. When reviewing their implementation, they notice the following: The BOM Root Items Administration List shows the root BOM item and its child BOM items correctly.
No errors are displayed. (Accessed from Admin > Products > BOM > BOM Root Items List) The BOM Mapping Administration List shows no root BOM items or child BOM items. No errors are displayed. (Accessed from the BOM Mapping rule\’s “Save and View Details” button)
Which filed have they incorrectly populated in their BOM Mapping Tables?
A. “Configurable Attribute Variable Name” in the BOM Item Mapping Table
B. “Parent BOM Map Variable Name” in the BOM Item Mapping Table
C. “Root Variable Name” in the BOM Item Definition Table
D. “Parent Variable Name” in the BOM Item Definition Table
E. “Part Number” in the BOM Item Definition Table
F. “BOM Item Variable Name” in the BOM Item Mapping Table
Correct Answer: D
Question 10:
The commerce step “Pending” has four participant profiles in the following order: SalesRep, SalesManager, Owner, and Admin.
The Admin profile allows access with the FullAccess user type.
The Owner profile has at performer steps “start” step selected.
The step has an auto-forwarding rule.
A FullAccess user with the SalesGroupA and SalesManagerA groups creates a new quote and saves it, which moves the quote to “Pending”.
The auto-forwarding rule returned the following two lines: SalesManagerA~Company~SalesManager SalesGroupA~Company~SalesRep
Which profile will be used to display the quote in the “Pending” step to this user?
A. SalesManager profile
B. SalesRep profile
C. Admin profile
D. Owner profile
Correct Answer: B
Question 11:
Using standard functionality, how do you prevent a user from manually adding or removing rows in an array set?
A. by hiding the control attribute and marking it as a forced set
B. by using CSS to hide icons
C. by hiding the control attribute
D. by selecting the “Disable user override” property on the configurable array set editor page
Correct Answer: C
Question 12:
How do you modify a specific user\’s access (grant access or remove access) to Product Families, Supported Product Families, and Data Table folders?
A. For each Product Family or Data table folder affected, click the Modify tab for that item and then select or deselect the checkboxes related to the users you want to grant access to or remove access from for this Product Family or Data Table folder.
B. Click the Group name on the Group Administration List page that has this user as a member, click the Access Permissions tab, and select or deselect the checkboxes related to the items you want to grant access to or remove access from for this user.
C. Use the Navigation Menus item on the Administration home page to grant or remove access to specific Product Families or Data Table folders for the user.
D. Go to the Product Family definition or the Data Table folder properties for which you want to grant or remove access, click the Access Permissions tab, select or deselect the checkboxes related to the users you want to grant access to or remove access from for this Product Family or Data Table folder.
E. Click the user\’s name on the User Administration List page to edit the user, click the Access Permissions tab, and select or deselect the checkboxes related to the items you want to grant access to or remove access from for this user.
Correct Answer: B
Question 13:
Based on default values, which statement is false about automatic FTP (File Transfer Protocol) processing in CPQ Cloud?
A. You must upload the file to the automated folder on the FTP server
B. You must list files in the order in which they should be processed in the upload_list.xml file
C. FTP uploads are processed every 90 minutes
D. You can use the Bulk Data service to extract the file format and upload it via FTP automation
Correct Answer: D
Question 14:
When using Web Services 1.0, consider the following sequence of a client system calling CPQ Cloud WebServices.
1. Call Security Login WebServices with User ID and Password.
2. Create a Commerce update transaction WebServices call by using an existing transaction ID.
3. Make the following updates in the web service XML:
Set Session ID Set “_shipTo_first_name” to “myName”
4. Submit the WebService call.
5. Call Security Logout WebServices with the Session ID to close the session. Based on the given sequence, which two statements are true? (Choose two.)
A. The call in step 4 will throw an error
B. The Commerce transaction should be updated with the new Ship To name
C. The session will still be open
D. Step 3 does not specify an action to execute; therefore, nothing is updated in the transaction
E. Step 5 is unnecessary. The session ID is not needed to log out
Correct Answer: CE
Question 15:
Which three discount types are available in pricing? (Choose three.)
A. percent discount
B. quantity-dependent discount
C. amount discount
D. promotion discount
E. absolute price
Correct Answer: ABC
leads4pass 1Z0-516 exam dumps are the best 1Z0-516 exam study guide, download the latest 1Z0-516 exam dumps at https://www.leads4pass.com/1z0-516.html (PDF or VCE format) and easily pass Oracle 1Z0-516 exam.
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